Add an Onward-themed background to your next video call, with offerings from Disney and Pixar’s latest classic!
By Oh My Disney
In days of old, the world was full of magic! So why not cast a spell over your next video call? With teleconferencing on the rise, a little bit of magic is just what we all need. In honor of Disney and Pixar’s latest movie Onward, these video call backgrounds will bring some excitement to all your gatherings.
Here are some instructions on how to save the backgrounds!
How to download backgrounds via mobile:
1.) Find an image you would like to download.2.) Use your finger to hold down the image.
3.) Select add to Photos.
How to download background via desktop:
1.) Find an image you would like to download.2.) Right click the image.
3.) Select Save Image.
Now, onward to the backgrounds!

Show off your trusty steed with this great shot of Guinevere! Barley would approve.

If you’re the adventurous type, show off your quest to the Manticore’s Tavern!

Or, if you’re the type to enjoy the comforts of home, relax in the idyllic suburb of New Mushroomton, where the Lightfoot family lives!
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